The central air conditioner has two different coils joined into it for it to be able to cool your home. This type of system is used to air condition the entire house as contrasted to a window air conditioner that is designed to cool a specific room in your home. Air conditioners have an essential mechanism located in a concealed place such as the basement or arctic.
This concealed device pumps cool air all over the house using a system of air ducts. A thermostat or two is also available within the house to turn the cooling system off and on when there is a decrease or increase in room temperatures. The central AC is operated by electric power and clears out heat from the air using the elementary refrigeration approach.
When the thermostat indicates to the system to lower temperature, the air handling unit begins to work. It sucks in room air from different parts of the house through the air ducts and the air is pulled through a filter. Fragments in the air such as dust, lint, pollutants and allergens are removed and the air is directed to air supply ductwork to be transported back to the rooms.
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It is essential to understand how the evaporator coil get’s wet because this is where the idea of refrigeration occurs. All air conditioners have three important components namely the condenser, the evaporator and the compressor. The split type condenser has the compressor and condenser located in an outdoor system with the evaporator mounted on the unit that handles the air.
The split system is mostly a forced air furnace. There is another system which contains all the components in a single outdoor unit. They can be placed either on the outdoors on the ground floor or the roof of the house.
Refrigerants such as Freon are distributed through copper tubing that runs between such components. The refrigerant takes in and passes out heat by raising and lowering temperatures and altering from liquid to gas and back to liquid. The refrigerant will be extremely cold when starting the circulation process through the indoor coil.
When the air handler drives warm air into the coil, the refrigerant takes in lots of heat from the air and turns this heat into vapor. The vapor will then be transported to a compressor that pressurizes it and moves it through the exterior coils which then ejects the heat with a fan also aiding in expending of the heat. The refrigerant will then be transported through an expansion apparatus that will turn it into low pressure and low temperature liquid that goes back to the indoor coil and the entire cycle will be repeated again and again.